Our Vision

North Carolina Juvenile Officers Association

Our History

We strive to provide a network to officers serving across the state where they can receive valuable information and contacts in the area of juvenile crime and investigation.  This is accomplished largely through our yearly training conference that includes field experts.

The North Carolina Juvenile Officers Association was organized and formed on Friday, November 30, 1973 when a group of thirty-five officers came together in Greensboro, North Carolina, recognizing the need for specialized training in dealing with children. The NCJOA constitution was approved and adopted February 8, 1974.  The first elected officers of the NCJOA were President Sonnie Simpson of the Greensboro Police Department; 1st Vice-President L.T. Williams of the Raleigh Police Department; 2nd Vice-President Willard Barber of the Reidsville Police Department; and Secretary/Treasurer Barbara Schimmick of the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office. During this meeting, it was decided that annual dues would be $5 per member.  Due to a vision of those who banded together three decades ago, the NCJOA has held training sessions twice a year since 1974. It is estimated that the NCJOA has provided training to over two thousand officers who work with juveniles. There are some NCJOA members who have made a distinct mark on the association, among them being Raleigh Police Lieutenant Leonard T. Williams. Leonard, who later became the second president of the NCJOA, was a positive and active force among his peers. The dedication and professionalism he directed toward youth remains a model for all juvenile officers within the association.  Leukemia claimed Leonard's life in 1976, passing away one year after he was elected as NCJOA president. His name lives on within the organization as the "Leonard T. Williams Officer of the Year Award" was established in 1980. The award is chosen by a committee within the NCJOA who receive nominations from law enforcement agencies across the state. Recipients are required to have personal and professional outstanding moral conduct; be active in civic and community affairs; and exhibit outstanding performance of duties. Today, the NCJOA membership can range up to 150-200 members. A week of training has been held yearly at the Ramada Inn-Atlantic Beach since 1985.